Tuesday, April 27, 2010


for backround on the story, go to Susie's blog www.liveoutloudsz.blogspot.com

Our skit was based on the novel Sophies World. For the skit, there was the main character, Sophie, who would introduce each of the philosophers (who were the rest of the class), and the philosophers would present their philosophy in 30 seconds or less. The skit was supposed to go like this: Sophie would stand in the center of the stage with the philosophers in clusters behind her. She would introduce one and he/she would step forward and present their philosophy. One philosopher was left out though...Berkeley (who was my character). So each philosopher (except me) stepped forward, presented, and stepped back, and Sophie almost completed her conclusion when our teacher motion/mouthed that Sophie had left someone out!!! Sophie then realized that she had left Berkeley out and shouted, "Oh, wait!!! There's a bonus!!! Here is George Berkeley who lived from __ to ___. Now Berkeley, tell me about your philosophy." And I did and we stepped off of the stage. Now, back in my cluster, as I realized that I had been left out, I was quite excited. I do not like the pressure of speaking in front of a lot of people (sometimes its fun, but not this time so much). Sophie had completely finished her conclusion, but I also realized that our teacher was going to try to get me to do my part, so I was trying to hurry the ending and I was telling the guy in my cluster, "Hank, get off the stage right now!!! we gotta go!" He was a little confused, and before we could move off, I was standing in front of a lot of people giving them the Berkeley "We can not know any more of the world than we can percieve through our senses" speech. Anyway, I hope that all makes sense...PLEASE leave comments if you dont understand and I will try to clarify:)

Oh, and Sophie is a fantabulous friend, who did a PERFECT job playing the part of Sophie. She had all of the philosophers written on a small piece of paper in a notebook, and it was easy to lose track of anybody...it just happened to be me:) But she came up with an intro, conclusion, and most everything in between IMMEDIATLY before we went on stage. NOBODY could have done a better job ever!!!!!

Friday, April 16, 2010

pics from the Spring Protocol

Here are a few pics from the Spring Protocol. I think I look goofy in all of them:)

Spring Protocol

Last night, Sarah, Susie and I participated in the Spring Protocol that is part of our co-op. A few weeks before, we had an etiquitte lesson (get in on the left of your chair, out on the right, etc.). All of the students in the two high school classes of our co-op and a few parents met at our house before leaving to go to the restauraunt. After the schnazzy restaurant, we proceeded to the Chattanooga Symphony and Opera to see the "Sea" concert thing. After that we came back to our house, and parent picked up their kids.

For any of those wondering, I am sure pictures will be coming:)

Saturday, April 10, 2010


Have you ever read Derwood Incorporated? Well, if you have you probably recall the 500 pound mile long giant killer octopus. Today, I am reporting that it DOES exist. That's right. It is alive.
It is all true, except for one thing: it is not an octopus at all, it is a cockroach. We crossed paths this morning before I stepped into the shower. not cool.

Other than that, todays happenings involve Susie making some delicous Turkish Delight that seems to be working out just fine.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

I missed them

Sorry to everyone who did not get a "Happy Birthday" from me.


Friday, April 2, 2010